The Arts

The East Perth Cemeteries can be experienced in many ways. Through the arts we are able to use innovative ways to enhance our community’s understanding of why heritage places like this are important. Creative, interesting and thought-provoking approaches to the interpretation of the Cemeteries provide opportunities to attract and engage with new audiences. We relish working in partnership with others to explore the Cemeteries through multi-award winning arts projects.


“What is it like to rest momentarily, in a place of eternal rest?”

is a question asked before the audience is invited to lie down on stretchers in the middle of the East Perth Cemeteries at night. Looking up at the star filled sky it provides an opportunity to ponder and consider one’s place in the universe.

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Sound from the Ground

The site of the first gazetted burial ground for what is now the city of Perth, was the unexpected place that enabled contemporary audiences to connect to some of the thousands of lives that played out for better or worse in the formative years of the colony. 

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Brought to you by:

National Trust of Western Australia


Friends of the Battye Library (Inc)

  • East Perth Cemeteries

    Bronte St
    East Perth WA 6004

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